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Akbar Birbal Story - Part 21

Birbal was a true believer in God and always maintained that there is always a good reason behind every decision of God. Once a courtier, who was jealous of Birbal, explained his misery of how he lost a finger and questioned Birbal whether he still holds onto the belief of God being so great. Birbal gave the same reply “Whatever happens, typically happens for a reason”, which made the courtier very angry. 

Three months passed by and one fine day, the courtier while hunting deep in the forest was caught by a group of tribal people. When they decided to sacrifice him to please their god, the priest stopped them. It was the same lost finger that saved him from the tribesmen on that miserable day and he was finally set free. 
Next day the courtier then went back to Birbal next day and told the entire story how the cut finger had saved his life and also sought his forgiveness.
